
Computer Setup 过程

Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology Solutions
Effective date:
March 1, 2017
Last content update:
February 21, 2018


To ensure computer systems provide a secure, 光滑的, and positive computing experience, the College will follow a consistent computer setup and distribution practice.


End user/user

The person who is assigned the computer.


The process of transforming information/data to make it unreadable to anyone except those authorized.


注意: New end users (i.e., college employee or guest) should proceed to step three.


Transfer and back up existing data, end users may request assistance by contacting the Computer Help Center (CHC) staff through the Information Technology (IT) ticket system. (见 Minnesota State Board Policy 5.22 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources)

End users are responsible for supplying external media needed for backup purposes.

Note: Because data could be stored in different locations on an end user’s computer, CHC staff will perform a best effort to back up and transfer data.

If the end user is receiving a computer upgrade, the CHC will retain their old computer for a period of 15 days. (见 Minnesota State Board Policy 5.22 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources.)

Computer drop off

End users need to schedule a 15-20 minute appointment with the CHC staff to:

☐ Drop off the computer
☐ Discuss administrator and local access privileges
☐ Review the standard software installed
☐ Review optional software
☐ Confirm data transfer and back up of existing data
☐ Arrange a pick up date

Computer setup and testing

Campus CHC staff will ensure the following is completed on the end user’s computer:

☐ All standard software and optional software requested has been installed
☐ All computer hardware components have been tested (e.g., optical drive and speakers)
☐ Computer hard drive is encrypted
☐ Asset tag affixed and recorded in database

Note: CHC staff member will strive to process the computer setup within one business day.

Computer pick up and orientation

End users need to schedule a 15-20 minute appointment with the CHC through the IT ticket system to do the following:

☐ Log in to the new computer, set up a user profile and sync a password
☐ Review the computer setup (e.g., the location of power button and transferred files)
☐ Review how to install campus printers
☐ Review how to use current college email and calendaring system
☐ Review current back up procedures
☐ Review how to request tech support or search Help from the IT Knowledge Base
☐ Review computer settings (e.g., power settings)
☐ Review computer use and security best practices (e.g., lock screen information)

Note: End users may need to schedule additional time.


CHC staff will do the following:

☐ Contact the end user to assess the computing experience, address questions and remind end users about the old computer data deadline

End users will need to do the following:

☐ Report any issues to the CHC
☐ Update and service computer to maintain security and support

Associated Policies and 过程s

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Computer Setup Policy

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.22 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources

Minnesota State system Board Policy Encryption for Mobile Computing and Storage Devices



日期Description of Change

Content revision.